Engage & Empower your Community!

More than just a simple website, our innovative web solutions help you to effectively engage your community while efficiently streamlining your business operations by connecting community members and groups together. Our extensive suite of easy-to-use tools and features allow you to rapidly build, promote and manage your online community... whether your community is a property, sports organization, business or special interest group!
QC Technologies Inc. (QCTI) is quickly becoming an industry leader in online community-based communications, collaboration and member services. Our innovative web-based SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions enable you to connect your "virtually integrated" communities where they LIVE - WORK - SHOP - PLAY. 

VICommunity -Bringing communities together: Create your online presence; build your online community.
VIManager -Effective Property Management: Save time & money; an affordable solution for your property management needs.
VISportsclub -Living with Sports: Manage membership; online  registrations; organize  & manage your sports organization.

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